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Downtown Campus Center


The proposed Downtown Center project is for construction of a new 67,400-gross-square-foot building in Downtown Merced that would provide space for campus administration. The project would also provide a small amount of mixed-use collaborative space, consisting of conference and seminar rooms as well as a work café. The building would allow the campus to consolidate administrative staff currently on-campus (third floor of the Kolligian Library) and in multiple off-campus sites (Castle, Promenade, and Mondo) to a centralized location. The primary goal of the project is to create a facility that enhances cost-efficiency and staff productivity by consolidating leased space and utilizing efficient and flexible layouts suited to a 21st-century work environment. The project would allow the campus to release valuable on-campus space in the Kolligian Library for faculty/student use.

Project Details 

Project Manager: Fran Telechea
Construction Manager: Turner Construction
Cost: $45 million
Size: 67,400 GSF